Most Efficient Way To Mine Experience Points XP

That trap is unnecessarily complicated. Spawners spawn a new mob at most every 10 seconds (random range in 10-49.95), and they will only be prevented from spawning a new mob if there are already 6 mobs in the area--i.e., if the last two spawns haven't been moved out yet. Emercoin EMC Terminal there.

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So as long as you move the mobs out of the medium-red shaded area in less than 20 seconds it will make no difference at all to the spawn rate. TL;DR: No need to drop them out of the area as fast as possible, just have them fall a few blocks into flowing water that pushes them out.

That's not the fall I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fall from the spawner into the two layers of water beneath (during which you don't want them to take any damage, or else they'll die during the second fall). There are a couple other problems with this design, too (I've built it): • Mobs will swim in the top layer of water and never fall down into the conveyer system until they randomly get pushed by another mob or something • The sign in the bottom layer of water in the spawning room--what is that supposed to be connected to?

There's water below it (for whatever reason) so it's not connected from below, and there should be flowing water on all four sides, too. People pass that design around because it's a nicely designed clean blueprint, but it's actually worse than a simple 'drop 3 blocks into flowing water that pushes them into the mob elevator' design. I typically only use (and share) this image as a reminder of general rules for mob spawner rules, not as a schematic for a farm.

That being said, I typically drop the mobs down 6 blocks or so (to ensure they're fully outside of the dark-red region), then have streams from one side of the dark room to another to push the mobs to one side, then a water channel to push them to one corner (to a water elevator). This design brings the mobs away from the dark red region without them getting caught up on anything.

The only downside is that you have to mine a large number of blocks underneath the spawner.

Most Efficient Way To Mine In Minecraft