Emercoin EMC Terminal

EMCSSH is a system for (PKI) and (ACL) management on the blockchain. It is possible to create a bridge between and the Emercoin cryptocurrency's blockchain. The result is a comfortable, safe and very flexible way to log in to multiple servers using the SSH protocol. A simple program provides a bridge between OpenSSH and the Emercoin blockchain, allowing for secure, decentralized management of PKI. When OpenSSH is configured to refer to emcssh, the program will query the Emercoin blockchain to retrieve SSH credentials during the authentication process. Users can manage their own login credentials (public keys) by submitting and modifying records in the EMC blockchain (using the standard ). Similarly, admins can manage user groups for their services that may contain references to other groups as well as individual users - allowing for the creation of recursive authentication trees.

Emercoin EMC Terminal

EMCSSH operates under the 'ssh' service abbreviation in the. Records are considered secure and unalterable due to the. Contents • • • • • • • • • Installation Below are instructions for installing and configuring emcssh on Debian and derivative servers such as Ubuntu, and then using emcssh to log in to the server from a client computer. We assume that your server is already running the wallet. Installing the necessary packages on the server First upgrade the existing software: apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade Now install curl and jansson: apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev Next, you need to download and install emcssh (change to the latest ): wget tar xfz emcssh-0.0.4.tar.gz cd emcssh-0.0.4 make make install Setting up EMCSSH Now you need to edit the config file /usr/local/etc/emcssh_config and change the setting for emcurl.

Settings need to match those in your $ nano /usr/local/etc/emcssh_config Change the value for emcurl emcurl emccoinrpc and rpcpassword should be taken from emercoin.conf, other parameters can be left as is. Important: the emcssh_config file should have permissions set to read and write only by root. Do not change the permissions on this file as it contains the rpcpassword. Next, you need to edit the sshd config file, but Debian has a small problem in that the sshd version may be too old and first needs to be updated. Users of other operating systems can skip the next step.

Update OpenSSH on Debian For starters find out what version of OpenSSH is installed: sshd -v In response, we get the following message: unknown option -- v OpenSSH_6.1p1 Debian If the version is 6.2 or above, the next step can be skipped. Otherwise, update: nano /etc/apt/sources. Bitcore BTX Mining How It Works. list Add to the end of the line and save the file: deb wheezy-backports main non-free contrib Update the system: apt-get update and install sshd apt-get -t wheezy-backports install openssh-server The installation script asks whether to disable password authentication.

The best response is not to be able to log in the traditional way. In addition, users of Debian will need to change the file location emcssh: mv /usr/local/sbin/emcssh /usr/sbin/emcssh Configure OpenSSH Now we need to edit the configuration file sshd_config: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config It is necessary to add the lines: For Debian: AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/sbin/emcssh AuthorizedKeysCommandUser root For other operating systems: AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/sbin/emcssh AuthorizedKeysCommandUser root Restart sshd with the new configuration: kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sshd.pid` Generating a key pair Now we need to generate a key pair for a user.

It should be noted that Emercoin's EMCSSH technology allows not only. To be able to log in to an EMCSSH enabled server via the terminal in OS. EMC Resources. EmerCoin (EMC) Last. Show All Bids. Sum Total Size (EMC. EmerCoin: (CURRENCY:EMC) Real-time Price Index, Historical Charts, Exchange rates in USD, EUR, CNY, all FIAT and Crypto Currencies, Resources, Currency Converter and. EMC or 'emercoin' (lower case) is the monetary unit of account used for transactions and services on the Emercoin blockchain. An EMC cent (EMc) is 0.01 EMC.

If your user is running Windows, we recommend using. Run PuTTYgen, change the number of bits to 4096 and click Generate. Wave the mouse cursor on the screen during key generation, after which you should see something like this: Click Save Private Key and store the key on your computer.

Password protection is not needed, therefore, you can agree to save without a password. Next, we need to add the public key (highlighted in the picture above) to the as a name->value pair. Do this in your Emercoin wallet on your PC. In the name field, specify: ssh: In the value field paste your public key from PuTTYgen. The new address field can be left blank. Specify the number of days, and click Submit. Now we need to wait for confirmation of our transaction.

To save time while waiting for confirmation, you can now go back to your server, and add a new user to the file emcssh_keys: cd $HOME/.ssh/ nano emcssh_keys In the document, simply add your user with @. In my case it is: @kamillo Save and close the file. It should be noted that Emercoin's EMCSSH technology allows not only individual users, but also entire groups. Let's say you want to give three other people access to your servers. You could individually add all users to the emcssh_keys file, but it is inconvenient, because every time you add or remove a user you will need to edit this file on all servers.

However, there is a more versatile and easy way. Simply create an entry in the Emercoin blockchain, for example kamilloFriends and list all your friends. The fields for such an entry are as follows: 'name': 'ssh:kamilloFriends' 'value': '@kamillo @friend1 @friend2 @friend3' If you need to add or remove someone from the group, it will be enough to make a Name_Update on this entry in the Emercoin wallet. Thus, if in the file emcssh_keys I specify the group @kamilloFriends, the system can authorize any of my friends.

Operability test To make sure that everything works as expected, run the following command: $ emcssh On my test server I work from the root user, so the command for my username would be: $ emcssh root In response, we get the following message: #INFO: verbose=2; maxkeys=4096 recursion=30 emcssh_keys=/root/.ssh/emcssh_keys;:8775/ #Path=/ #Path=/kamillo/ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAgEAgmzL.. Perfectly as expected.

Everything works. Now let's try to log in. Without closing the current session, authorize PuTTY to log in without a password. To do this, open a new PuTTY window, enter the IP address of your server then navigate to SSH >Auth in PuTTY: Click Browse.

And specify the path to your private key. On the tab Connection >Data we can specify the user under which we want to connect. If not specified, don't worry - in this case the server will ask for the user name when you connect. Click Open and connect to the server. If it connects then congratulations, you have succeeded! If the connection fails for some reason, open the window of the previous session and enter the following command: $ cat /var/log/auth.log Look carefully for any error messages there and seek solutions to the problem. And if you can't fix it, please ask for help.

Finally, here's another useful command, which shows when visitors log in: grep 'Accepted publickey' /var/log/auth.log Supplementary info for MacOS X users To be able to log in to an EMCSSH enabled server via the terminal in OS X, you first need to convert your private key to the desired format. I did the conversion in Windows through the program PuTTYgen. It is better to set a password for your key since OS X will complain about it (in the future you will need to enter your password only once). Run PuTTYgen, click Load and choose our key *.ppk.

Next, set a password in Key passphrase and Confirm passphrase. Go to the tab Conversions and export key in the format of OpenSSH: Now we want to add the key to the OS X system. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you exported the key. I have a folder named Keys: $ cd Keys Set the key as read-only, otherwise the system will complain: $ chmod 0400 Add the key: $ ssh-add In response, we receive a message that an identifier was added. Check the connection with the command: $ ssh If the server does not ask for a password, then all is well.

More info • See the following article on medium:.