New PACcoin PAC Miner

OUR NEW COIN WILL BE CALLED PACcash [$PAC] It's finally time to announce the new coin. PACcash will be the name of the faster, cheaper, more secure successor to PACcoin. Upon launch on March 1st, two tickers will co-exist for at least three months maybe longer depending on the redemption flow. The redemption window is 4 months if you include the early redemption on Feb 1st for master node owners. Due to the immense community feedback on discord we have a final figure set at 500,000 NEW coins to qualify as a master node. This is the equivalent to 500 million current PACcoins.

• We will be holding a LOGO design competition for the new LOGO, we want our community to shape the future of the new coin and what better way to start than with the pillar of the brand. • We are working on building a redemption desk team of 30+ people and software to support the redemption to the new coin. The redemption desk will be based in Mexico, we will be conducting livestreams throughout the redemption process. • We currently have close to 250,000 individual PAC investors and we want to ensure the transition to the new coin is as smooth as possible. New tickers will be released when we obtain them for the new coin to have a market - which will evolve slowly over the next few months.

The latest Tweets from PacCoin miner (@pac_coin). Is LBRY Credits LBC Farming Illegal. PacCoinが新しく生まれ変わる! ハードフォークとスワップでアルトコイン時価総額TOP20.

Bitcoin Gold BTG Mining Calcualtor. Coinranking PacCoin (PAC) price information, coin market cap and trade volume. View the coin chart with a detailed price history. Miner Full node Budget 30 mins $3-4. New PACcoin wallets on PACcoin’s updated. 1,000 existing PACcoin, with each new $PAC’s.

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