I've been staking HTML coins for the past week using the console window in the HTML Core Wallet and I have received 4 blocks of 1250 HTML coins in each block (which, from what I understand, is the normal block size now). Today I went to and noticed that it showed some people received the normal block of 1250 HTML coins, but other people received a block of 6250 HTML coins. Also, two recipients received 40000 HTML coins in 1 block and one recipient received 104000 HTML coins in 1 block! How is this possible?
All these blocks are from today, January, 12 2018, not months ago when the blocks held a larger amount of coins. Are these actually coins that they bought and that's why they received such a large amount in 1 block, or did they mine these coins and somehow received that many coins in one block by using a mining pool? Are there even mining pools where you can mine HTML coins? How are people receiving 6250 HTML coins in 1 block?
There was a time when cryptocurrency faucets were popular. Every coin had them, and you could just get free coins out. Once you understood the basics of supply and demand & the way that markets move- you could invest this free coin with little to no worry of personal loss.
HTMLCOIN Mining Pool. Mining new htmlcoin - Easy - Duration. HTMLCOIN Review - Future of HTML Coin and Buy HTMLCOIN News - Duration. In mining htmlcoin. Ethereum Classic ETC Mining Cost here. The difficulty of finding new blocks increased greatly to the point where the only cost-effective method of mining today is using.
During this time of plenty, many altcoins were hitting the markets, and sometimes you could acquire billions of coins for a handful of pocket change. Exchanges at this time would run ‘tipbots’, and we would do ‘coin rains.’ Large groups of people with massive amounts of coins would tip in the exchange’s chatbox (commonly referred to as a ‘trollbox’.). Cryptocurrency is a double-edged sword or a catch-22 situation.
We are witnessing the creation and realization of an entirely new asset-class. The technology is reshuffling the power structure of the world while the central banks plan their next move. Electroneum ETN Mining For Android here.
We have seen some great innovations in blockchain technology with the rise of ‘Proof of Stake (PoS)’ and ‘Decentralized Blockchain Applications (DApps)’. With the advent of ‘IoT’ (internet of things) and mesh networks, anyone could eventually create their own decentralized, autonomous financial system. This upcoming point in human history will likely change the way everyone does business in the future. Technology is ever-changing and we (You and I) have the ability to influence it.
The HTMLCoin development team has always been a multicultural and diverse environment. The world isn’t constrained by culture, race or creed on the internet, and your ability and knowledge are what brings like-minded people together. We’ve fed people on the other side of the globe with HTMLCoin tips and faucets. People, Technology, and Philanthropy when this all culminates with a positive group of individualsgreatness can happen. HTMLCoin has been the vehicle that has given people like me a chance to better themselves and learn more about the underlying technology in the process.
Living near a University makes it easier to find like-minded individuals, but cryptocurrency is still in its infancy so many simply do not understand the technology. With each major swing in the price of Bitcoin, more and more people enter the sector. Naturally, you tend to meet people in your daily life that know what bitcoin is or may have just heard about it. The public is highly impressionable, and many still need to learn the basics.
Most people only see or read about the [major] events that occur- Mt. Gox, The DAO hack, Silk Road, BTC-e and - most recently - Bitcoin breaking the four-thousand-dollar price mark. So, regarding cryptocurrency, people are naturally becoming curious, and education in a supportive environment is increasingly sought after. It’s up to us to share what we’ve learned and let HTMLCoin be the cornerstone that gives users a foundation to build on.