How Many ZenCash ZEN Mined Per Day

I'm sorry but I have more dumb questions about Zen Secure Nodes. What has been done Step 1: I'm successfully install secure node by tutorial and Step 2: Generate t_address and send >=42 ZenCash to a t_address on the node What can I do: • I can send money to or from node t_address.

How Many ZenCash ZEN Mined Per Day

[zhash pro] New ZenCash pool. On your site it seems like you receive 1 bonus zcl/zen per day for mining with you. Is it 1 bonus zen for connecting/mining. Anyway, to make a long story short, Nvidia GTX 1060, 1070, and 1080 GPU’s are good for mining ZEC and ZEN, and since I believe both project have good long-term. Crypto Cloud Mining - 5% off! How Can I Mine Asch XAS Cash. -- I'm making $50 per day on AUTO PILOT with Monero Cloud Mining on Genesis-Mining. What is Zencash? Zen is leveraging the best minds. Both demonstrating the fitness of the server and helping to create many shielded transactions per day. Mining, Zcash, Zen. Build and operate a ZenCash.

• I can check my balance on a node with zen-cli getinfo command and see other info about node or whith zen-cli getpeerinfo command I can get list of other nodes. It seems to be evehtyng working but: Quastion 1: Is Secure Node automaticly has be part of ZenCash nodes system when step 1 and step 2 is seccefuly completed??? Quastion 2: Why command zen-cli getpeerinfo give me information about 8 nodes only??? Quastion 3: How often we can expect payout for each node???

I meen per day or per week or per month Thank you in advance for your help!!! You've done what can be done to this point. Right now we are doing some thing to move Secure Nodes forward. This is what is in development or planned for development: 1 - add openSSL to Zen node software - already in progress 2 - script to check for a new JSON information on a website. When it sees new JSON info, do a lookup, create a text block, publish text block on in JSON format, send a shielded transaction to an address - this is the software that runs on the Secure Node 3 - Centralized server based applications that: * publish challenge * read shielded transaction with JSON URL * get data from JSON url, check if response is valid * keep track of valid responses. Every week, total up the valid responses * run a payment process. - Centralized applications that report on the network - number of secure nodes, block explorer.

Part of the idea of the challenge is to make sure the node maintains a full copy of the blockchain. I think maintaining a full copy is important, but of course that's up for discussion also.