BURST Mining Blog

BURST Mining Blog

This is the continuation of the tutorial. Create A DigiByte DGB Miner. In this instructional we’re going to configure Blago’s CPU Mining Software to mine the plots on your machine. Let’s get started! If you are using Qbundle, the software is included: just click “Tools” ->“Miner”. Otherwise, download Blago’s miner and extract it to your desktop or the local directory of your choice. =>Remember to always check if the pool suits the size of your plot files. You must acquire the pools web address and port and propagate this information throughout the miner.conf document.

I discovered Burst approx. 3 month ago and right away I fell in love After mining whit 13TB I want to expand. I would invest 1500€ for a rig. My experience for now. For first timers and people used to Proof-of-Work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the mining process of Burst can be a little hard to grasp. This allows the mining process to shed exorbitantly priced hardware. Burst “I'm Interested In Burstcoin. Blog; about; advertise; careers; help.

Let’s say you are mining at (the Port there is:8080), here’s how the completed miner.conf document would look: Further more beside “Paths”: in the miner.conf document you will need to refer to all of your completely plotted plot files while maintaining the syntax properly. So if your plot files are along the paths “C: BURST Plots” and “E: BURST Plots” then this line should look like this: “Paths”: [“C: BURST Plots”,”E: BURST Plots”],** Now that you have your miner.conf document prepared properly, save it.

Passphrases.txt Let’s create a passphrases. Bitfury Einsteinium EMC2 Mining more. txt document within the Blagos directory -Within the Blagos Burst Miner directory create a new text document. -Paste your wallet’s passphrase into the document -Save the document as passphrases.txt Setting the Reward Assignment! By this time you should already have selected the pool you wish to mine with. If not you can find a list of pool wallet addresses above in this tutorial. If you are using Qbundle, just click “Tools” ->“Reward recipient”. -Pick a pool and copy the wallet address onto your clipboard -If you are using Qbundle, just click “Tools” ->“Reward recipient”. Otherwise go to this page: -Enter the pool’s BURST address and your mining wallet’s passphrase in the respective fields. The pool address for burstmine.tk is BURST-H96D-FT7X-Q5WB-DX23A Now when your pool of choice is dividing up the Burst rewards among the miners it will automatically send your burstcoins to your Burst wallet.

Blagos should look like this when you start it up: Optional: Going Solo Conversely if you’d like to mine solo then change the miner.conf document to look like this: Also, set the reward assignment to your own Burst wallet address. Wait 4 block rounds and start up Blagos, it should look the same as above. You are now mining Burst!

Credit: Gooplanets.